Friday, 5 December 2014

A recipe post! HA!

So I've avoided blogging about food/ recipes largely because there's sooo much out there that is better than I could ever produce and in the wake of yet another mediocre muffin baking expedition, I am reminded that while I can turn in a few good baked delights, I have not achieved a status of expert baker by any stretch of the imagination. Basically, I've failed my mother.
Moving along, I thought that today's lunch cooking adventure was good fodder for a post, as it probably most correctly reflects my frenetic habits, some of my limited culinary skills and could perhaps be put to good use by the 2-5 people that read this blog :).
Recipe notes
First: I created this dish primarily out of distress (it's 3pm, I'm real hungry-- what is in the fridge!?)
Second: Because I sit at a desk for close to 10 hours a day and generally feel sloth-like during most of the week, when I don't want greasy goodness, I crave healthy foods that don't contain a lot bread (I'm sure there's carbs hidden in there somewhere- I just don't like to know about it during these moments of first-world despair).
Third: How can I make a dish that has a lot of flavour? Generally, this means spicy, but also can include a sweet factor and if I can throw some kind of toasted nut and/or cheese, I'm pleased as punch.

The Recipe
To begin, I pan-fried a bit of shallots and garlic (I would nix the garlic if I could do it over again) in olive oil, with cumin, garam masala, chili powder, turmeric, salt and pepper. (note: I did not need all of these spices in there. S&P and maybe cumin are the real important ones). After these ingredients were sauteed a bit, I threw in roughly chopped kale (spinach or any other green works here) and chickpeas. Tossed those up a bit so that they were dressed in the oil/spice mixture and then made some space in the pan to fry an egg (notice: lazy strategies at play). While the egg cooked, I mixed in some ricotta and (previous toasted and chopped) hazelnuts with the kale and chickpeas (almonds, pecans or walnuts would also do-- so long as they're toasted!) Once the egg was done, I just threw it on top of the kale mix and voila! a pretty tasty meal that did not take too long to make (cause it couldn't!) and was healthy-ish to boot, I think. Here's a pic - mid-eaten!:
(pretty sure I'm gonna catch shit for posting this..oh well)

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